guest videos & press features
youtube playlist
guest videos
We’ve compiled a playlist of wonderful YouTube videos created by our guests, showcasing their visits for you to enjoy!
If we've accidentally missed you off, drop us a message to be included!
tiktok playlist
guest tiktoks
We’ve compiled a playlist of TikToks created by our guests, showcasing their visits for you to enjoy!
If we've accidentally missed your out, drop us a message to be included!
secret visit! feature
We had a secret visit from who created this beautiful feature on us for their audience, showing off who we are and what we do!

travel youtuber couple
Sharmeleon & Abroad in Japan
During our first summer we were lucky enough to be visited by travel youtuber power couple (& big time cat & cat cafe lovers!) Sharmeleon & Abroad in Japan after they stumbled upon us during their trip to Canterbury, immediately deciding a visit was a must! We featured in their Canterbury travel vlog, dubbed as 'The BEST cat cafe' - which means a lot to us coming from people who live in the country cat cafes were first pioneered!

secret review
KentLive News - Dec 2024
"I visited the UK's largest cat cafe in Kent and it was purr-fectly fun'
Canterbury Tails Cat Cafe, in Kent, is home to 28 rehomed cats, and it's a 'must-visit' for any animal lover..."

secret review
EatMyWords Review - Kent Online
We had a secret review visit during opening week and a wonderful review posted to kent online after!
"The room was filled with plenty of cosy cat-napping corners, floor-to-ceiling pillars that doubled as giant scratching posts and boxes overspilling with toys, so the cats really do rule the roost."

KentLive Article
Reporters from KentLive paid us a secret visit then published an article titled "I went to a Kent cat cafe and had the most adorable lunch of my life" - What more is there to say?

We have been featured in not one but two special features within the April 2024 issue of insideKENT magazine!
We are featured alongside two other wonderful animal-focused Kent-based independent businesses in the inDEPENDENT BUSINESSES special feature.
Additionally we are featured alongside other wonderful animal sanctuary experiences in Kent - such as conservation-focused animal parks The Wildwood Trust, Howletts Wildlife Park Sanctuary & Conservation Charity, and Wingham Wildlife Park in the 'WOOF, NEIGH, ROAR - Days Out' feature!

Lifestyle blogger
KarensWorld Blog Post
"It is an amazing place and well worth a visit, at present, they have 28 resident cats that are looked after so well infact I would say spoilt with the amount of attention they get from not only the staff but the visitors to the cafe..."

travel guides
Kayak Guide Feature
Travel help and guide search engine KAYAK reached out to us directly in March 2024 to kick off their new Canterbury Travel Guide!
We also suggested some other wonderful local independents for them to include.
See the full guide as it is below!